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On Thursday evening I had one of Ireland’s leading nutritionists

in to give a seminar to all my clients.

Danny Lennon of Sigma Nutrition came in

and delivered a belter.

That lads all left with total CLARITY

on what they need to do for the year ahead.

What stuff focus on,

and what bulls#t to ignore.

The recurring theme throughout was pretty clear,

consistently good

always beats

sometimes perfect.

So for example

A lad who can get into a good routine during the week,

training and eating properly,

can decompress with a few beers at the weekend

and still make consistent progress throughout the year.

Provided their weekly numbers are still in check.

(a tracking system I use in Bulletproof Dad)


the big issue for most lads is,

they don’t appreciate this.

They go from one extreme to another,

dry January

straight into monsoon February.

Their weight goes up & down like a yo-yo

with more often than not

sitting at the heavier side of the scale

rather than the lighter.

He made a really good point,

if you’re planning on going on a “diet”.

Ask yourself the question,

can you see yourself still following it in a years time?

If the answer is no,

why even bother starting.

Are you not just setting yourself up for another big fall?

It might sound a cliche

but the difference between a lad who loses weight & keeps it off

compared to someone who puts it all back on again is

it’s a lifestyle change that they’ve bought into.

No stupid fad sh#t,

they just become the that new man,

who has respect for himself & his body.

And that sets the standards for consistency.

It all comes down to that decision you decide to make.

Andrew “say no no to yo-yo” Lahart

ps completely maxed out with strategy calls this week,

so not gonna take anymore til next week.

Keep an eye on the emails and I’ll keep you posted.