One of the gents that’s training with me on BPD
Told me something pretty cool this morning.
He said he changed his own profile pic over the weekend.
And in all the years he’s been on social media,
this was the first time he actually used a picture of himself.
He said he used to usually use pics of his kids
or whatever car he had at the time.
All because he hated seeing himself in pictures.
And actively avoided them where possible.
But now he has a few months training under his belt,
the belly has shrunk, the shirt sizes have dropped
and he now feels good about himself.
Yet another example of how lads
are every bit as body conscious as the ladies.
We just don’t openly talk about it.
But fair play to his honesty, it’s not an easy one to admit.
And without sounding too f#cking cheesy,
if you’re experiencing something similar,
hopefully he’ll inspire you to take action
and change your current situation.
Andrew “say cheese” Lahart