I’ve trained a lot of Dads over the years,
long before I opened my gym Defined Fitness
in Northside Dublin.
When I was in Australia a few years back working as trainer
at the local Navy Barracks had young families.
Don’t know how they managed to balance everything
between the “job” and being there for their family.
And on top of it all, having to stay in tip top shape.
Truth be told, I learned a lot from them working as their trainer.
Not just their work ethic,
but how to carry yourself as man.
Because their career & more importantly their life
depended on the being physically fit & strong
they always made time to make training sessions with me
They didn’t need convincing.
They were motivated and united by a common goal.
They were all in it together.
The biggest lesson I learned from them was
and All it takes is one bad egg to bring the whole team down.
I used everything I learned there to create my Bulletproof Dad Program
when I set up my own gym after moving back home.
And it’s why the first thing I did was make it application only.
To make sure only GENUINE lads got involved.
Gents who are genuine about change and willing to follow through.
Lads who make the effort to make their 2 training sessions every week
And work hard when they show up.
When you get the right mix of lads in the gym
& the training is bang on point,
and it’s backed up with proper, real world nutrition advice
serious results can happen.
Results like these
Andrew “see for yourself” Lahart