When a person starts training with me in the gym,
the first thing I do is assess their movement.
Reason being is most of them are stuck at a desk for 40 odd hours a week.
And after 10 or 20 years of it, their posture may have picked up a few bad habits.
So when I go to companies to deliver my
“How to Stop Your Desk-job from Damaging Your Health Seminar”
I cover topics like:
The Detrimental Desk-job Posture
It’s Potential Injury Risks
Upper & lower cross syndrome
The Problem Solver
How to Train Safely
And as I’m a nutritionist I also cover topics like:
– The Health Bank Account
My Nutrition Priority Pyramid
How to Build a Healthy Meal
Just to name but a few.
Because lets face it, everyone has an interest in nutrition
and getting to a healthy weight.
I will be taking more bookings for these seminars in the new year.
If you want more info check out:
Andrew “keeping you healthy” Lahart