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Author Archives: Andrew Lahart

The Men who gave up:

Got this link forwarded onto me yesterday by one of my long standing clients: He’s been training with me nearly 2 years, so he know’s a good article when he sees one: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-3263390/Man-gives-added-sugar-alcohol-one-month-loses-weight.html And the above article didn’t disappoint. It’s about 2 Dutch lads who decided to give up sugar & alcohol for 1 month. […]

62 & Ripped

now & then you’ll come across guys who are legitimate FREAKS. This dude is definitely one: http://www.joe.ie/life-style/pic-this-man-is-so-ripped-that-its-almost-impossible-to-believe-his-age/513228 62 and still competes as a professional bodybuilder. Unbelievable. And he’s not an oversized ouff, he’s just in really good shape. I hear lads from their early 30’s writing themselves off due old age. A bulging belly, Any […]

Smell what’s Cooking

Came across this quote recently from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson “Success isn’t always about ‘Greatness’, it’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Talk about a fella that is simply just dominating life! Rich, Ripped & has his own tv series. And I’m sure that all helps him […]