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Author Archives: Andrew Lahart

A GAA vs Rugby Diet

Got tagged in a cool little article trending on Joe.ie It compares a typical day’s food intake of a inter county GAA player vs an Irish Rugby player. Here’s the link: http://www.sportsjoe.ie/gaa/the-diet-of-a-modern-day-inter-county-footballer-compared-to-a-professional-rugby-player/55470 Go check it out if you’re interested in that sort of thing. Andrew “which would you go for” Lahart ps if you missed […]

5 Survival tips for Xmas

Don’t usually do many Top Tip emails like this. But considering the time of year, I think it could be beneficial for you. (provided you actually implement them) So yer it’s officially silly season again. But hey, there’s nothing wrong with kicking back and relaxing. Having some fun with the family & catching up with […]