Most of us have had one at some stage in our life. That lovely layer of excess of belly fat that just hangs on the lower portion of our abdominal area. aka the belly. Every lad, without exception who starts training with me mentions it. And how they want rid of it. It’s the first […]
Category Archives: Andrew’s Daily Emails For Dublin Dads:
The following is genuinely what one of the lads on my Bulletproof Dad Program said to me the other day: “I can see me cock again” He’s over the moon! Hadn’t seen it without the aid of a mirror in a long long time. You can only imagine the effect that would have on your […]
After one the Bulletproof Dad sessions last night in the gym I was chatting to one of my newer recruits. He had joined Bpd back in November. And apart from the usual bit of excess over the Christmas, he’s been flying. Getting on really well with the training and fully embracing his new lifestyle, eating […]
“How do I maximise the benefits with doing the minimum amount of hard work?” It is this question that lead me to doing strength training. See strength training rocks because one properly structured session can keep you burning a shed load of extra calories for days afterwards (provided your nutrition is decent) Because your muscle […]
Was that you I seen last night? Haha only messing buddy. But what if you actually were? Does that mean you’re stuck in a rut of bad habits? That you’re in a process of putting on weight? Well not necessarily, despite what some people would have you believe. See it all depends on what else […]
So we’re all waking up today and being told to stay at home. The stuff we take for granted like getting up and heading off to work or dropping the kids off to school has been taken away from us. It’s funny how you only notice the value of stuff that you usually take for […]
Most of us have had one at some stage in our life. That lovely layer of excess that just hangs on the lower portion of our abdominal area. aka the belly. Every lad, without exception who starts training with me mentions it. And how they want it to send it back to where it came […]
Seen this trending on The Times website this morning. An interesting article on how calorie counting is not the optimal approach when trying to lose weight. It was based around a dieting study they did on people. The conclusion was pretty interesting: “I think one place we go wrong is telling people to figure out […]
Most lads that get in touch with me about Bulletproof Dad, are well over the age of 30, and tend to have some sort of recurring injury or issue going on with them. Whether it be a dodgy knee from football, a mashed up shoulder from rugby, a stiff hip from gaelic football, a tender […]
If you stood outside my gym door at the end of a session you’d see all the BPD lads walking out with big sweaty heads and a protein shaker in their hands. See the reason I give my a clients a protein straight after a workout is simple. After a tough strength training session, muscle […]