When you read any article online whether be about tips on how to be happier, or habits of highly successful people. One recurring thing you’ll see is, stop comparing yourself to other people. Kinda obvious in a sense, but at times, it can be a lot easier said than done. Well for me at least, […]
Category Archives: Andrew’s Daily Emails For Dublin Dads:
Whether you think he’s the best or the second best footballer in the world. You can’t deny, since Christmas he has been unstoppable. According to Balls.ie his goal average is up 50% (not that he was too bad before that) but why the dramatic improvement? Simple, Leo Messi went on a “diet”. Not because he […]
“Hi Andrew I’m just dropping a mail to say a serious thanks for all the info and advice you have given me with the motivational emails, the nedser melter and the bulletproof trial. It’s really helped me focus on a goal. If I’m honest with you and myself I’m no angel. I have a shocking […]
Nothing to do with that scary witch from the TV show. I’m on a bout the human body. and how it moves. As I’m in the middle of my studies to become a Physical Therapist, I’m gaining a much greater appreciation for human movement. Basically the body moves in a sequence that’s called a kinetic […]
The more and more research I do on health, the more warnings I come across about smart phones, well facebook in particular. See something a lot of us can be guilty of (myself included) is that we compare our ‘behind the scenes’ to other peoples highlights. And where we tend to this most is when […]
Had a dude last week book a strategy call with me We had a good chat about where he was at and how he was going to move forward with me on my Bulletproof Dad Program. After our chat I sent him on the nutrition guidelines and the full version of my Nedser Melter Recipe […]
Ever had a doctor tell you your BMI? (Body mass index) Basically it’s a score based on a ratio between your weight & height. It’s a handy tool for a doctor to tell his very overweight patient he needs to go on a diet as his BMI is too high. Rather than having to use […]
What Happened? Very busy day yesterday in the gym training clients. Had set aside an hour to do my own program. Started to do my mobility warm up in my normal clothes cos it was f#cking freezing! After getting warm, I reached into my gear bag to get my shorts (it was a squat workout) […]
When people ask me how I “market” or “advertise” And I tell them about my daily emails. Particularly other trainers. the response I usually get is “why the f#ck do you do that?” See like in most careers, the vast majority of people tend to copy what their competitors do, because that is the accepted […]